Thursday, April 26, 2012

In response to Chris's question: “Should Criminal Penalties be brought against BP executives?

I am not sure that we will ever see criminal penalties brought against the BP executives, if we could single out which executives were responsible, then I believe that we should bring charges. 

But I do believe that the BP should accept full responsibility for the damages that have been inflicted on the Gulf of Mexico and I don’t believe that the penalties that have been placed on them so far will ever be enough.

In a recent article in the Houston Business Journal, dated 4-23-12 the writer: Oliva Pulsinelli stated:
“Oyster shells like this one, collected from the Gulf of Mexico after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, have been shown to contain higher concentrations of three heavy metals common in crude oil -- vanadium, cobalt, and chromium -- than specimens collected before the spill.”

I believe for years to come we are going to see more and more effects from the oil spill come to light.

Do you believe that the penalties BP is currently facing will provide enough funds to offset the long term effects to the Gulf of Mexico and its coastlines?

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